What People are Saying...
Jennifer McNally was kind enough to share some comments about her experience working with Instant Fun Photos. She is the Fundraising Coordinator for the Georgetown Hospital Foundation. We provided photo booth entertainment again at the 2015 Hospital Hoedown on June 5.
It totally knocked my socks off how good all those pictures looked. Generally everybody looked great so I think that just added more value to it because they’re pictures you want to keep and pictures people want to share with their friends so that delighted me. And I think our sponsor might have even commented on how he had no idea he was going to have such great promotion on that. That it would look so good. I didn’t know what it’s going to look like but it certainly exceeded any expectation I had. It just looked terrific and I’d be proud to offer that as a sponsorship next year.
Jennifer McNally
Fundraising Coordinator, Georgetown Hospital Foundation
Event fund raising is very competitive. You want to make sure that you provide great value and great conversation and great memories for your guests. You’re always looking for ways to engage them and provide something new but isn’t too distracting and isn’t too gimmicky. And I think that the photo booth really accomplished that. I think it’s something that people will look forward to doing again next year.
In fact, one thing that I did not anticipate was it being so popular that we really had a hard time shutting down once you’re contracted time was up. I think it really added something and it really helped fill that time from 7 o’clock until later in the evening when people are just kind of getting comfy in the environment and trying to loosen up a bit. It’s a really good ice-breaker. I think you mentioned it would be and it certainly was.
Jennifer McNally
Fundraising Coordinator, Georgetown Hospital Foundation
I always find that when you can trust the people you’ve engaged to participate in the event, when you know that they’re going to do what they’ve been asked to do then your job is pretty easy. If everybody else does there part then it’s just keeping it all together. It certainly eases my mind when I work with people who I know are going to deliver on what they said they’re going to deliver on. That’s a great relationship to have, so thank you for that.
Jennifer McNally
Fundraising Coordinator, Georgetown Hospital Foundation